DOCUMENT LIBRARY KCC Bylaw-ChaplinList of church before 1599Very Rev. Fr. Mathai Makil VG of SouthistsPope Pious X Bula English for Establishing Kottayam DiocesePope Pious X Bula Malayalam for Establishing Kottayam DioceseExtension of Kottayam Decree Territory by the dicree of Pope Pious XII extending the personal judication of KTM DioceseRescriptKottayam Arch Epparchy Bylaw- KnanayologyChicago Syro-Malabar Knanaya Mission_Parish EstablishmentSyro Malabar Church Particular LawTri-party AgreementPastoral Council Meeting ReportEparchial Assembly MembersKCC Special Premeayam Arch Eparchy PROCHURCH LISTFr. Mulavanal on Juels Case